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来自Naughty Dog的开发团队重述了他们如何将易用性功能(即来自《美国末日》的内容)带进《神秘海域4》的故事

来源:www.999sf.com | 编辑:999搜服 | 发布时间:2016-06-04 00:09



What is on the face of it an overwhelmingly positive intervention by Naughty Dog perhaps only seems like such an astounding leap forward, in terms of equality and accessibility, when considered against the backdrop of an industry that has been passive to the point of non-consideration when it comes to these issues.

在这里,Naughty Dog和索尼就像火车公司以及电影院那样都是服务提供者。他们提供的是产品或服务,而作为顾客的你将辛苦赚到的钱去购买的娱乐便是产品。尽管他们没有义务保证你会喜欢他们的产品,但是他们必须做出“适当调整”让那些身体有残疾的玩家能够和其他人一样轻松进入游戏中。而如果你像Straub喜欢《神秘海域》那样喜欢游戏,但却因为游戏的易用性而不能有效完成游戏,这便是一种遗憾的结果,就和其它产业中所出现的情况一样。

Let’s take rail travel as an example. If you want to travel by train, you’ll find that every inch of that journey has been accounted for in terms of accessibility: there will be ramps or flat-level access to the station; you’ll find ramps or elevators to avoid the use of stairs; low-height ticket machines will be available for wheelchair users; signs will carry Braille and kiosks will have text-to-speech facilities; ramps can be unfurled to bridge the gap between platform and train, and priority seating (or wheelchair space) will be available in the carriage.



By Tom Baines

And if you’re left in any doubt as to why that’s important I’ll leave you with the words of Josh Straub, on why the accessibility features in Uncharted 4 are such a big deal.

And in this context Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment – like the rail companies and the movie theatres – are service providers. They produce a product or service and you hand over some of your hard-earned cash to make use of, and hopefully enjoy, said product. While they’re not obliged to make sure you like their product, they are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to allow less physically able gamers to at least have the same access to their titles as everyone else. It’s even worse if you do love their game – like Straub did, with Uncharted 2 – and are unable to complete it because accessibility in gaming is sadly streets behind almost every other industry.


在索尼的易用性视频中,其中一个Naughty Dog开发者,即UI编剧Andres Ortiz提到了他们团队成员很多人都是红绿色盲而他自己也是个红绿色盲,所以他们在玩《神秘海域》系列的多人游戏模式时遇到了许多问题。他表示将绿色团队改成蓝色团队并不会对游戏玩法做出任何改变,但却能让更多人轻松地玩《神秘海域4》的多人游戏模式。的确有时候一些小小的改变便能够让一切都变得不同了。


文章-来自Naughty Dog的开发团队重述了他们如何将易用性功能(即来自《美国末日》的内容)带进《神秘海域4》的故事,是由http://999sf.com提供,转载请注明版权出处!


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