Cersei Lannister: “She is a Cancer, which is the sign of nurturing and is associated with motherhood. Cancer is also a very patriotic sign. There are two main things that we can say about Cersei other than that she’s a crazy bitch: She loves her kids, she loves her country, and she wants to keep it for her children. Jamie and Cersei are twins, so you might think, at first, do they have the same Sun sign? No. They were born on the cusp, is what I decided. I’m going to say that Cersei and Jamie were born right at the cusp of Cancer and Leo, and that Cersei came out with Sun in Cancer and that Jamie came out with Sun in Leo.”
We spoke with astrologer and Game of Thrones fan Annabel Gat, who writes monthly horoscopes for Broadly and has let us pick her brain in the past, about the probable zodiac signs of some of the series’ key players and whether their signs are compatible for both love and leadership. (Gat did note: “They probably don’t have the same constellations, but we’re just having fun.”)
What are the astrological signs of Game of Thrones characters?
Jamie Lannister: “I think it’s fair to call him a Leo because he is the golden child of the family. With Leo, there is this theme around their archetype of being the golden one, the one that is in the spotlight, the one that is the king of the jungle.”
我们就《权力的游戏》中的人物请教了占星师安娜贝尔盖特,她是《Broadly》杂志的月度星座运势的专栏作者。盖特本人也是《权力的游戏》的粉丝。她为读者们分析了居中关键人物可能的星座属性,并分析了这些人物作为情侣和上下级在星座上是否相合。(她也提醒大家注意,也许在GOT的设定中根本就没有我们的星座之说,我们只是找个乐子。) 弑君者,詹姆兰尼斯特:狮子座。他是家族的金童。狮子座总是众人的焦点,是丛林之王。
·女主播直播斗鸡游戏 衣着暴露动05-19